The Microsoft version might have information left out in this document.
Note that the FAT filesystem is covered by software patents.
This paper concentrates on the FAT12 system only. It is broken down into several sections. Following a brief introduction on File Allocation Tables, the paper goes into a step by step instruction on how to read an MS-DOS File Allocation Table for a diskette (FAT12). The sections are in order:
In the Introduction, what is called the data area is called the Open Space Area later in the instructional part of the paper. And finally although, this paper does go into quite a bit of detail it is by no means complete.
The File Allocation Table (FAT) is a table stored on every hard or floppy disk that indicates the status and location of all data clusters that are on the disk. The File Allocation Table can be considered to be the "table of contents" of a disk. If the file allocation table is damaged or lost, then a disk is unreadable. In a file server the FAT data is sometimes kept in the computer RAM for quick access and is easily lost if the system crashes as the result of a power failure.
The File Allocation Table is maintained by the operating system that provides a map of the clusters (the basic unit of logical storage on a disk) that a file has been stored in. When you write a new file, the file is stored in one or more clusters that are not necessarily next to each other; they may be rather widely scattered over the disk. A typical cluster size is 2,048 Bytes, 4,096 Bytes or 8,192 Bytes.* The operating system creates a FAT entry for the new file that records where each cluster is located and their sequential order. When you read a file, the operating system reassembles the file from clusters and places it as an entire file where you want to read it.
The hard disk is physically arranged by cylinders, heads, and sectors, that is how it is addressed by the hardware controller and the ROM BIOS, which addresses it at a physical level. For the operating system and other programs, however, this is cumbersome, since the physical number of cylinders, heads, and sectors varies from disk to disk. It would be convenient to view the disk as simply a large continuous block of sectors with simple sequential addresses.
MS-DOS does, in fact, view the sectors on a disk as a one-dimensional array of sectors numbered from 0 to n-1, where n is the total number of sectors on the disk. It therefore must translate from the logical sector numbers to physical to physical cylinder-head-sector, or CHS addresses. In doing so, MS-DOS sequentially numbers all the sectors of head 0, cylinder 0, then all the sectors of head 1, cylinder 0, and so on for each head, and then repeats this for each cylinder, to the end of the disk.
Furthermore, MS-DOS logically divides this array of sectors into five distinct areas, which are, in the order they appear on the disk,
-- posted in
The Making of My Own 32bits Floppy Driver
The first four areas of the disk, collectively called the system area, are used by MS-DOS to keep track of the contents of the disk. The largest area of the disk, the data area, is where all user files and data reside. MS-DOS uses a special numbering scheme for the area called cluster numbering which is in addition to, but independent of logical sector numbers.
The boot record occupies one sector, and is always placed in logical sector number (LSN) 0, which is physically cylinder 0, head 0, sector 1, the first sector of the first head of the first cylinder on the disk. This is the easiest sector on the disk for the computer to locate when it begins running.
The File Allocation Table (FAT) is an array of integers in which each element represents one cluster in the data area. For each cluster in the data area the corresponding entry in the FAT contains a code which indicates the status of the cluster. The cluster may be available for use, it may be reserved by the operating system, it may be unavailable due to a bad sector on the disk, or it may be in use by a file.
MS-DOS maintains a hierarchical directory structure in which there is one entry for every file on the disk.
Data area is where all user files and data reside.
0 - 10 | Version of DOS being used |
11 - 12 | The number of Bytes per sector |
13 | Number of sectors per allocation |
14 - 15 | Number of reserved sectors |
16 | Number of FAT's on the diskette |
17 - 18 | Number of directory entries (BIOS Parameters) |
19 - 20 | The total sectors in the logical volume |
21 | Media descriptor type |
22 - 23 | Number of sectors per FAT |
24 - 25 | Number of sectors per track |
26 - 27 | Number of heads or sides on the diskette |
28 - 29 | Number of hidden sectors |
62 | Start of Bootstrap routine |
510 | BIOS boot Signature (dw 0xAA55) |
Byte 30 Start of bootstrap routine is zero.
ToDo | this information is weak, lacks clarifications about padding (how is A.B exactly encoded), what time and dates refers, etc. |
Bytes | Meaning |
0 - 10 | File name with extension |
11 | Attributes of the file |
12 - 21 | Reserved Bytes |
22 - 23 | Indicate the time |
24 - 25 | Indicate the date |
26 - 27 | Indicate the entry cluster value |
28 - 29 | Indicate the size of the file |
Hour | 5 bits |
Minutes | 6 bits |
Seconds | 5 bits |
Year | 7 bits |
Month | 4 bits |
Day | 5 bits |
as stated in the introduction the Boot Sector is always placed in logical sector number (LSN) 0, 0000.
The File Allocation Table begins after the Boot Sector. To find the starting Byte, find the length of the Boot Sector which is one sector multiplied by the number of Bytes per sector (Bytes 11 and 12 of the Boot Sector). The File Allocation Table begins at 0200 (hex).
The Directory begins after both the Boot Sector and the File Allocation Tables. To find the starting Byte, find the number File Allocation Tables on the diskette (Byte 16 of the Boot Sector) and multiply this number with the number of sectors per FAT (Bytes 22 and 23 of the Boot Sector). Add this number with the number of Boot Sectors (which is one) to give you the total number of sectors of both the FAT and Boot sectors. Multiply total number of sectors by the number of Bytes per sector (Bytes 11 and 12 of the Boot Sector) giving you the starting Byte of the Directory.
(2 * 9) + 1 = 19 sectors; 19 sectors * 512 Bytes/ sector = 9728 Bytes (decimal) or 2600 Bytes (hex). The start of the Directory is 2600.
The Open Space begins after the directory. To find the beginning of the Open Space you need to find the size of the directory in Bytes and add that to the beginning Byte of the Directory (2600). To find the size of the directory multiply the number of directory entries (Bytes 17 and 18 of the Boot Sector) by the Bytes per directory entries which in this case is given at 32 Bytes/directory entry of data (decimal).
224 directory entries * 32 Bytes/ directory entry = 7168 Bytes (decimal) or 1C00 (hex)
1C00 Bytes (hex) + 2600 Bytes (hex) = 4200 Bytes (hex). The start of the Open Space is 4200.
Starting with the entry cluster value (Bytes 26 and 27 in the Directory), find the values (02 and 00) and reverse them to read 00 02 (hex). The result being **2 (hex or decimal).
Because, this result, the value of 2 is the same for both hexadecimal and decimal converting to decimal is not necessary, just remember that this next step is in decimal. Multiply this number 2 by 1.5 giving the number 3 (decimal) or 3 (hex). Now, go to the File Allocation table and retrieve the 3rd (0203) and 4th (0204) Bytes.?Remember to start your counting from zero. Take the two Bytes 03 and 40 and reverse them to 40 03. Because 3 is a whole integer, AND the binary value of the hexadecimal number of 4003 (0100 0000 0000 0011) to the binary value of the hexadecimal number 0FFF (0000 1111 1111 1111). The result is **3 (hex or decimal).
Convert the result above to decimal (if necessary) and multiply by 1.5 giving 4.5. So now we extract the 4th (0204) and 5th (0205) numbers from the File Allocation Table which are 40 and 00. Reverse the hexadecimal numbers to read 00 40. Because 4.5 is not a whole integer we right shift 0040 to read 0004. The result being **4 (hex or decimal).
Multiply 4 (decimal) by 1.5 giving 6. Now we go to the 6th (0206) and 7th (0207) number in the File Allocation Table which are 05 and 60. Reverse the numbers to read 60 05. Because 6 is a whole integer, AND the binary value of the hexadecimal number of 6005 (0110 0000 0000 0101) to the binary value of the hexadecimal number 0FFF (0000 1111 1111 1111). The result is **5 (hex or decimal).
Multiply 5 (decimal) by 1.5 giving 7.5. Now we read the 7th (0207) and 8th (0208) numbers in the File Allocation Table which are 60 and 00. Reversing the numbers we have 00 60. Because 7.5 is a fractional number we right shift 0060 to read 0006. The result is **6 (hex or decimal).
Multiply 6 (decimal) by 1.5 giving 9. Reading the 9th (0209) and 10th (0210) numbers in the File Allocation Table which are 07 and 80. Reverse the numbers to read 80 07. Because 9 is a whole integer, AND the binary value of the hexadecimal number of 8007 (1000 0000 0000 0111) to the binary value of the hexadecimal number 0FFF (0000 1111 1111 1111). The result is **7 (hex or decimal).
Take the decimal result above and multiply by 1.5 giving 10.5. Read the 10th (0210) and 11th (0211) Bytes in the File Allocation Table, the numbers are 80 and 00. Reversing the numbers we have 00 80. Because 10.5 is not a whole integer we right shift 0080 to 0008. The result is **8 (hex or decimal).
Multiply 8 (decimal) by 1.5 giving 12. Now extract the 12th (0212) and 13th (0213) Bytes in the File Allocation Table. These numbers are FF 0F. Reverse the numbers to read 0F FF. This value 0FFF (hex) indicates the end of this file.
To find the location of the file in the Open Space Area take the decimal results of the File Allocation Table entry cluster values, as denoted by the double asterisks, and subtract 2. Then multiply by the number of Bytes per sector, which is indicated in Bytes 11 and 12 in the Boot Sector. In this case the Bytes per sector value is 512 (decimal). Finally take this value in Bytes, convert it to hexadecimal, and add it onto the starting location of the Open Space Area, which in this case is 4200.
(2 - 2) sectors * 512 Bytes per sector = 0 Bytes (decimal) 0 Bytes (hex) + 4200 Bytes = 4200 Entry value of the first cluster is 4200.
(3 - 2) sectors * 512 Bytes per sector = 512 Bytes (decimal) 200 Bytes (hex) + 4200 Bytes = 4400 Entry value of the second cluster is 4400.
(4 - 2) sectors * 512 Bytes per sector = 1024 Bytes (decimal) 400 Bytes (hex) + 4200 Bytes = 4600 Entry value of the third cluster is 4600.
(5 - 2) sectors * 512 Bytes per sector = 1536 Bytes (decimal) 600 Bytes (hex) + 4200 Bytes = 4800 Entry value of the fourth cluster is 4800.
(6 - 2) sectors * 512 Bytes per sector = 2048 Bytes (decimal) 800 Bytes + 4200 Bytes = 4A00 Entry value of fifth cluster is 4A00.
(7 - 2) sectors * 512 Bytes per sector = 2560 Bytes (decimal) A00 Bytes + 4200 Bytes = 4C00 Entry value of sixth cluster is 4C00.
(8- 2) sectors * 512 Bytes per sector = 3072 Bytes (decimal) C00 Bytes + 4200 Bytes = 4E00 Entry value of seventh cluster is 4E00.
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